Deep Dive into AI

Leading a technical team, but not a data specialist by trade? Don’t let that stop you. Dive into AI and ML technologies.

Interactive, hands-on learning

Half-day workshop

Mixed or private cohorts 

In-person, or virtual 

What we’ll cover

Module 2

Unsupervised, supervised and reinforcement learning

Module 1

Key concepts of machine learning

Module 3

Deep learning and neural networks

Module 4

Deeper issues of AI

Why the Profusion Data Academy?

Profusion has a highly enlightened approach to ensuring business leaders across the board are aware of and utilising data in a way that enables them to make smart decisions. Profusion speaks with a voice that is accessible and is genuinely passionate about how data can shape our world for the better.

-Attendee, Data for Leaders Programme

Interested in up-skilling your leaders?