Business Fundamentals for Data Teams

Close the gap between between business and technical departments. This programmes enables data teams to dive into the bigger picture through developing their business acumen.

Mixed or private cohorts 

In-person, or virtual 

3 calls with mentors

1 day workshop

What we’ll cover

Module 3

Building the team you need to deliver the project

Module 4

Building your business case

Module 1

Understanding the commercial context

Module 2

What does a data project really entail?

Why the Profusion Data Academy?

Profusion has a highly enlightened approach to ensuring business leaders across the board are aware of and utilising data in a way that enables them to make smart decisions. Profusion speaks with a voice that is accessible and is genuinely passionate about how data can shape our world for the better.

-Attendee, Data for Leaders Programme

Interested in up-skilling your leaders?